Location: Augusta,Ga, Pensacola,Fl

Monday, July 31, 2006


Florida Clients!!

I will be in town Mid-September. Book your appointments now I am filling up quickly! This is perfect for Christmas Photos. I do not anticpate coming down again until December.

Speaking of florida This is Bailey.

Her mom is one of my best friends!! She is soo cute. serious but cute!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Three Musketters

My Boys.

You will see LOTS of these. Comes with the territory.
They are very good models. even the baby.

My mother is taking them to her house while we finish our renovation. So I decided to snug with the chunkin munchkin for a while and take some shots.. he was sooo giggly. But you would never know by these shots!

And of course my Big Guys.. they have the greatest eyes. Telling such a story..One of Mayhem and destruction some days ;)

There are a few other things on my list to talk about today. I am on the prowl for new spots to photograph in.

so I am having a special


I will waive my session fee as well as give a complimetary mounted 8x10 from your session. In turn i ask that i get to choose an unventured spot to have your session. It can be at a cool place you know or just a place I have driven by or researched. Call me and mention Fresh Faces and we will go on an expedition!



After much pushing I have decided to take on a select few weddings this year and next. I have second shot quite a few ( with Gina-Linked up top) and will be getting togethor my portfolio. If you are interested or know someone who might be. Contact me for some more info!

and thats it Ladies and Gents!


Monday, July 24, 2006


Yep, ALL day long. On the bed, off the swing, into the pool. Anywhere. Boys have No fear!I try to be "The cool mom" and rough house around but this is one activity that I sit back and watch. I am just waiting for the broken bones! Although these are some of my favorite types of portraits. This is them, now. Who they are. I can hear the giggles just looking at these photographs.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Monday, July 10, 2006

Seniors and Teens

Seniors? teens?

When I first started photographing people it was mostly children. Mainly because they were MY children! I did a session with my sister-in-law as well as some other "adults" They just never seemed to turn out the way I envisioned.
Now, I don't know if that was lack of knowledge of my camera or what but they were NOT my best work. So I stopped doing them and focused on children and have been happy wiht my decision.

I am currently in Florida at my parents Visitng. and My best friend Stacy asks me if I would mind doing shots of her friend for her birthday. So I am thinking.."well is she under 10 years old?" hehehe. What i actually I said was "Anything for you, Stacy". So I get here..just shy of a panic attack. I have prepped and planned as much as possible. We get to the beach and this girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! YEA! So thats one thing going for me. Despite my previous hesistation Stacy helps pose her and hold the reflector and i shoot like a 100 shots.

I could see how great they were through the viewfinder I could only imagine how great they would be after I edited them. I am still away from my home computer but I managed to proof a few teasers and I can NOT wait to print these.

So After all that rambling your asking.." whats the point, here?"
Well, Heres where I ask your opinion. What do you think about Nicole Ryan expanding to accomadate the Senior/Teen crowd?
Are these something you might want as a 20 something?