Thanks for all the well wishes! I am so in love its crazy..
So.. as some know I have 3 boys prior to Miss Kate. they were 9lbs14oz 15 hour labor went spontaneous, 8lbs 13 oz induced 7 hour labor and 8lbs even, induced 4.5 hour labor in order.
So we *knew* that she would come super quick and probably be small..
we were very, very wrong.
Last Friday I was 1 cm dialated and she was engaged.. Monday I went in for my induction got my pitocin at 7. my doc came in at 9 to break my water and fully expected a baby by 10.
doc checked me and i was still a 1 and she was no longer engaged. in fact when the nurses checked me they would push on her head and she floated back up into my chest!! so my doc couldn't break my water yet. He said he would come back at 12. 12 came and he called and asked the nurse to check me. I was only at 2cm and she was still not coming down. about 2oclock the nurse mentioned sending me home if i don't progress further. they had my pitocin full strength but my contractions just weren't very strong/regular. They had me sit up in bed and by 3:30 i was at 5cm and 90% effaced. i had the epidural done since i have a history of progressing quickly after my water breaks. and the last 2 times i waited to long for the epi and felt everything!! gaah! so go my epi it worked for the most part. doc broke my water at 5:00 and he called his wife and told her he wouldn't be home for dinner/bedtime! my sweet nurse who was with me all day checked me aroun 6:45 as i was feeling slight pressure. she said page me when it intesify's. no problem. 7:15 i felt like i had a 10lb bowling ball in my bottom.. paged the nurse..she came running.. and was like.. uhh yea.. shes crowning!! lol! doc came running pushed a couple of times and out came Emily Kate! at 7:30.. everything was soo calm during pushing.. my doc even talked one of the local college students through it all. it was so funny she was schoked it went soo smoothly no screaming/tearing. my doc called it textbook!
she is soo round!! everyone started guessing how much she would weigh. got a couple 8lbs, 8lbs 6oz.. they were all very wrong.. 9lbs1oz!! hahaha!
in the end she is the second biggest and second longest delivery! |